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182.00 $

Permanently Smooth, Hair-Free Skin ##highlights## Suitable for small, sensitive areas 70% of unwanted hair gone in 3 weeks Three times more hair eliminating energy Preferred by 9/10 dermatologists At-home, safe permanent solution For use on light to medium skin and medium to dark hair ##think## Thanks to Tria we can feel confident that we will never have to experience that uncomfortable itching or unsightly redness from shaving again, just a beautifully smooth bikini line and underarms. We can't get enough of the Tria Lasers uniquely shaped handle and laser head. The small, circular head is slightly elongated to fit to the contours of your body and ensure the very best results in those tricky spots. With this smart and sleek hair removal tool we achieved a salon standard treatment at home - that would normally cost anything up to £1200.